Saturday, April 25, 2015

Lokai Bracelet

As a Mom and a wife, I often struggle with finding balance.  Somebody always needs me, there is a constant list of things to be done, things I am forgetting to do, and the battle of keeping up with the house.  I constantly feel overwhelmed and some days struggle with comparing myself to others and even to myself in the past, ie. "the old me would not have forgotten that or left the house such a mess." It's a battle for sure.  I am a recovering sufferer of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and that struggle is generally at my fore front.  This year one of my goal's was to find calmness and a better sense of balance in my life.  I am always looking for ways to better juggle *ahem* balance things so when I came across gorgeous pictures of Lokai bracelets (which I didn't know the name of yet) photographed along side pretty sunsets, beaches, or even everyday activities.  In some of the photos the bracelets are being used as frames for items in the photographs. I knew that I needed to find out more.  What is this magic bracelet that reminds people to stop and enjoy life?!

I also noticed that the beads of the bracelet are mostly clear except for one white bead and one black bead.  I didn't know why but the beads look beautiful in photographs and I can see why people like to hold them up to frame things in the photo.  I also noticed that the vast majority of the photos did not include selfies.  Instead, people are trying to show beauty around them...or at least that's how I saw it.  I was intrigued and quickly learned that these bracelets are Lokai bracelets.

I visited the Lokai website where I learned about the Lokai bracelet story.  On every Lokai bracelet there is one black bead equidistant from a white bead, like I had noticed.  The black bead holds a tiny bit of mud from the Dead Sea.  This bead is to remind the wearer to stay hopeful even when you are at a low point, as the Dead Sea is the lowest point on Earth.  The white bead holds water from Mount Everest.  The white bead reminds the wearer to stay humble even when they are on top of the world.  Thus, the black bead, across from the white bead, and all the clear beads of the circular shape of the bracelet represent life and being in balance.  Sometimes you are up, and sometimes you are down, but there's lots of in between to appreciate too.  

After reading the Lokai Story I had to order a bracelet.  After all, I can't say no to cute jewelry and especially can't pass up jewelery that reminds me to enjoy life and to stop humble and hopeful.  

The Lokai bracelet is $18 and mine arrived in roughly a week.  I ordered a size small and it definitely fits true to size.  My wrists are tiny and it fits just right.  I almost wish it had another 1/4 inch to it but the medium would probably be too big for me.

I am a little disappointed in the beads of the bracelet because they are made of a rubbery material.  I was expecting beads.  The beads are fused together and definitely more durable than beads would be, so that's a plus.  I don 't have to worry about taking it off to wash my hands.  I also wish that I could somehow see the water from Mt. Everest and the mud from the Black Sea.  I know that would have been hard to design and accommodate into a bracelet but hey, a girl can dream.  

Overall I am glad that I ordered my Lokai bracelet.  It is a fun accessory and so far I have looked for opportunities to step back and reflect on my current place and what's going on in my life.  I try to keep balanced and not focus incessantly on the negative.

Today my Lokai moment was remaining hopeful and admiring the beautiful blue sky.  If you buy a Lokai bracelet then you can hashtag #LiveLokai and your photo may be featured on their website. 


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*This product was personally purchased and all opinions are that of the blogger.  This was a non sponsored review.  Photos courtesy of except for the last which is courtesy of the blogger. 

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