Wednesday, February 18, 2015

My Fav Beauty YouTubers

I subscribe to a lot of YouTubers, and it makes me laugh, because I genuinely consider a few of them my virtual friends, so to speak.  YouTube gives insight into someone's personality and character, so it's not unlike me to be mid conversation with Michelle and say,
'my friend Chelsea really liked this brand, so I know it's good!'

Chelsea Garay might not be someone I have met, but I feel like I know her enough to just invite her over for a glass of wine after our PiYo workouts.  Her bubbly personality puts me in a better mood if at the end of a long night I need to unwind.  Aside from her high end makeup reviews, she talks about her daily what-have-yous, and gives good recommendations.  I have purchased many items based of her suggestions, as shown below.  I have also mentioned her in another blog HERE.  Her videos are inviting because it seems as though she is actually having a conversation with me.  Check out her blog HERE also!

These are Chelsea Garay's recommendations I have tried.
My YouTube/Blogger friends sure have good taste!

Chelsea is one of many of my online friends I keep up with on a weekly basis.  I was a YouTube fan prior to following anyone on instagram or twitter, but have since added a few to Instagram and Twitter as well, and love seeing their #ootd or latest lipstick find in a quick pic while they are out and about!  Check out some of my other favorite beauty gurus, some of whom are professional MUA's, and some self taught.  It's funny when I see a few of the in a photo together at BeautyCon or another event.  They are remind me of my sorority sisters back in college because I see my sisters on facebook, and although we have all grown so much and live far apart, I still feel like I know them so well, and ironically the same goes for my Youtube beauty gurus, even though we have never met.  The same interests draw us close in heart at least!

Some also have separate vlog channels, or now sell their own line of products, but here are their main channels, from all over the world, in no particular order.  It was tough for me to narrow it down to just 15 favs!  Click their name to visit their channel.  Be sure to get out some paper to make your beauty item wish list as you watch!

1.    Chelsea Garay               
2.    Makeup by Cheryl         
3.    Shannon Sullivan (features many gluten free, organic, and natural products)
4.    LisalisaD1 
5.    Brianna Stanko
6.    Shaaanxo
7.    Lauren Curtis 
8.    Jaclyn Hill 
9.    Kelly Strack
10.  Carli Bybel
11.  Nicole Guerriero
12.  Karissa Pukas 
13.  AprilAthena7
14.  Imogen - Foxy Locks
15.  Ally Valentine

Please leave your favorites you follow in the comments!

I have also mentioned MakeupbyCheryl HERE.


*No links mentioned are affiliates or endorsed, and are solely opinions of the blogger.

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